
Empowering you with knowledge and tools related to:

Advanced Care Planning: What documents are needed to ensure your medical wishes will be followed if there is an emergency where you couldn’t communicate for yourself?

Caregiving: Are you at your wits end and looking for practical tips for taking care of yourself or your loved one?

Dementia: Are you wanting guidance with understanding dementia symptoms, behaviors and communication strategies?

In-Home Care: When is it time to get services and support at home for your aging loved one to enhance safety and independence? How do you approach this?

Senior Living Communities: Are you worried about your aging loved one living at home? What are the different types of long term care community options that would best meet the needs of your person? What questions should you ask when tour a community?

End of Life Care: What is palliative care vs hospice care? When and how do you access this level of care?

Are you ready to gain peace of mind? Let’s get started!

Step One: Schedule a one hour virtual consultation session with Jenna.

Step Two: Attend the consultation session. This is your opportunity to talk about the specific concern or challenge you are facing.

Step Three: Receive a personalized post-consultation document covering all the information discussed during our call and a list of helpful resources.